The Mighty1's X Files Fan Fic | |||||||||||||||||
Posted here is my latest fan fic, as well as (soon) some links to other fantastic fics | |||||||||||||||||
Title: Through the Mirror Glass Summary: Season 6 Finale. Well, my idea of what would make a good finale, anyway. They've already killed off Mulder twice and burnt the X Files....I thought that it was kind of Scully's turn now. This is only the end of the season finale, a lot can and will happen before, but unfortunately I didn't have the time or brain capacity to think up a whole episode in one night. Let's just say that colonization has begun and the fic begins as Mulder and Scully are driving to a quarrantine/research building in Dallas (yet again, we are at Dallas). Rating: PG for language (M & S romance and a lot of tension/trauma in the second part) All anti-shippers run for cover now. You've been warned. Oh, also those who can't stand trauma and stress, I suggest you stop reading after part one too. Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. No personal gain whatsoever. ______________________________________________________________________ *Through the Mirror Glass* The sky was already beginning to darken as the car sped along the dirt road, trailing clouds of dust and debris behind it. Scully closed her eyes momentarily listening to the sound of the tyres on gravel. They'd been driving for three hours without a, sorry....*Mulder* had been driving. He'd gallantly refused her offers to take over so he could get some sleep, giving her a chivalrous smile and reminding her that the words *sleep* and *Mulder* rarely shared the same space. It was the most that they'd said to eachother in a while. It would have annoyed her if she hadn't been so damn tired herself. So she let him play the martyr, using the time to rest herself. Not that rest was possible. After all that had occured that day and the few before it, rest seemed as unlikely and improbable as the chances of seeing a UFO hovering over their car. Scully smiled in spite of herself. She looked over at her partner, sitting uncomfortably behind the wheel of the too small rental car. He could barely fold himself into the front seat. He'd brought it on himself, asking the man at the garage for a car "tailor made" for someone of Scully's stature. He was obviously still seething from their argument. She'd just glared at him and said nothing. The man at the garage must have sensed her anger though, because here they were, packed in a car that was perfect for Scully, but made Mulder look like Gulliver in Lilliput. "What's so funny?" Scully hadn't realised that she'd laughed out loud. She looked guiltily at Mulder, who was gazing at her intensely. She could tell by the look on his face that he *knew* what was so funny, he just wanted her to say it. "Nothing" Scully shook her head, "Keep your eyes on the road." Mulder continued staring at her accusingly with a glint of mischief in his eyes. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. "Allright," she admitted, "You look ridiculous in this tiny car." He pretended to look amazed. "The car's tiny? I thought I was getting bigger." Scully smiled and Mulder turned his attention back to the road. They drove on in silence for a few minutes, then Mulder reached into the back seat (the car's size made it possible) and retrieved a yellow envelope. *The* envelope. He handed it to Scully. "We're almost there," he told her slowly. Scully nodded and said nothing. She knew what was coming, what he was thinking. She was thinking the same thing. "Look, Scully...." Mulder glanced at her. She willed him silently not to go on. "When we get there," he began cautiously, "I have to meet Diana on the thirteenth floor. She'll be waiting in the quarrantine chamber." Scully had heard the plan before, she'd absorbed every detail when he'd first told her. Why was he telling her again, like she'd forget something? "I'll stay with her while she analyses the envelopes contents and you go meet Frohike and the guys at the hospital....." Scully sighed and looked out of the window. *Her*. Diana. She was the reason for their fight earlier in the day. She was the reason that he was ditching her, yet again. "Krycek said that Marita's on the seventh floor. Now when you get there Scully..." "Mulder," Scully interrupted, turning back to him, "I know what I have to do." He looked at her silently, trying to read her eyes. Scully made her expression as blank as possible. Finally, he gave up and turned his eyes back to the road. "I just want to make sure you understand," he said. " I do understand," she answered quickly, a little too quickly. - X X X - Dallas Research and Quarrantine Facility 9:00pm They pulled up at the front of the building with the lights off. The building itself was dark, barren. It looked foreboding and dangerous and Scully couldn't help but shiver. They sat in silence for a few moments, not looking at eachother. It was time for them to go their seperate ways, but neither of them moved. After a minute Scully sighed and undid her seatbelt, reaching for the door handle. "Scully?" Mulder's hand on her arm stopped her. She turned to face him. He was gazing at her with that puppy dog look of his, the look that spoke a thousand words that all began with "I'm sorry". "I'm sorry," he said. "For what?" Mulder shook his head and shrugged. It wasn't so much an "I don't know" as an "I can't tell you". Scully turned towards the door again and got out. She walked over to the driver's side as Mulder unfolded himself from the seat. He stopped infront of her and gazed again "Um, you'd better go Mulder. Diana's waiting for you." Diana. Scully said the name with such venom in her voice that Mulder *must* have noticed. Mulder didn't move. He just stood there, the envelope in his hand. Scully forced herself to meet his eyes unbearable. "Come on Mulder, go". She stepped forward and gave him a little shove out of the way. He grabbed her arm and forced her to face him again. "I'm sorry," he said again. "Mulder..." He put a finger to her lips to silence her and went on. "I'm sorry about everything. I know that I've been nothing but a pain for the last five years, and I know that you deserve better than me. I've been an insensitive son of a bitch from the beginning, Scully. I've never done anything right by you and if it weren't for me, you would have had something of a better life. And it's true what you said earlier, I *am* always ditching you and you *do* deserve to know what's going on. You always have known better than me....Hell, maybe you're even right about Fowley....." Scully's heart skipped a beat at the cold and clinical way he said it. *Fowley*. Not Diana. Fowley. "But there's something I gotta know....." Mulder went on. Scully stared at him. She shook her head to say it wasn't true, that she didn't blame him for anything that had happened, that she never had, but he wouldn't let her say a word. " I need to know, Scully, now that we're so close to the end....I need to know why. Why did you stay with me all these years when you could have just up and gone and left me to my miserable little crusade? Why did you stay with me?" She didn't answer, she couldn't. His outburst had left her speechless. She only gazed at him silently. Mulder was waiting, the pain and tumult in his eyes tearing through her thoughts and making her think. Why *had* she stayed with him so long? When all others had up and gone, even *Fowley*, why had she hung around? Scully knew the answer, but she couldn't find the words. She just stared into his hazelnut eyes trying to tell him her thoughts with her own eyes, the way they had communicated so many times before. He seemed to understand, for his eyes shone with a gentle radiance that she seldom saw in him. She knew he was mirroring her own eyes exactly, and she silently thanked God for giving her someone who understood her so well. "Here," Mulder held out the envelope. Scully looked at him in confusion. "I want you to take this to Diana," he said Scully shook her head. "Mulder, you don't need to do this." "I want to. I want to go with we can talk" He pushed the envelope into her hands. She looked at it, then gazed up at him and smiled. "Okay Mulder. When I get back, we'll talk....about....." "Everything" he finished for her. "Everything," she agreed, and started away. She was almost at the door when she turned. "What do you want me to tell Fo.....Diana when she asks about you?" Mulder smiled and shrugged. "Tell her I had something better to do." Scully returned his smile, then she turned and walked into the building. She didn't look back again, or she would have seen the figured clothed in black that came running towards Mulder as she headed for the elevator. - X X X - I'd really love to know what you thought of this. Any feedback is welcome feedback. If you liked this, I'll continue it. If not, tell me now so that I can stop tainting the name of fan fic writers everywhere. [email protected] "If you look into the glass And you see your own soul How do you know That your soul is pure? If you look into her eyes And you see your own soul Then you know that you're pure And so is your love" -Summer's End | |||||||||||||||||
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